Archive for February, 2008

28 February 2008
Action Alert: Call for Debt Cancelation

Africa Action joins Jubilee USA to encourage you to use your “extra” day this Leap Year to call your member of Congress and urge them to support the Jubilee Act for Responsible Lending and Expanded Debt Cancellation (HR 2634/S2166). You can reach the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Filed under: Action Alerts

14 February 2008
Tanzania: A haven of peace

By Goran Hyden February 14, 2008 Originally published in the Gainesville Sun President Bush is on his way to Africa this week. One of his destinations is Tanzania. He will be the first American president to ever visit the country. Unlike its northern neighbor Kenya, Tanzania is relatively little known in the U.S. although it […]

Filed under: ACAS in the Press