ACAS Bulletin 80: Special Issue on Zimbabwe 2

Edited by Timothy Scarnecchia and Wendy Urban-Mead

Our last Special Issue on the Zimbabwe Elections came out two weeks before the June 27th run-off presidential election. This was before opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai of the MDC announced his decision not to contest the run-off election because of the extreme violence used against the MDC candidates, supporters, and alleged supporters. This issue of the ACAS bulletin is concerned with the aftermath of the elections of 2008, offering analysis of the outcome of the parliamentary election results of the March elections, the ways in which the political violence during May and June have fundamentally altered the possibility of a non-violent political dispensation in Zimbabwe, and, perhaps of most current interest for readers, the unfolding of “power sharing” negotiations that began with the September 11, 2008 signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Mugabe’s ZANU(PF), Tsvangirai’s MDC-T, and a smaller splinter group led by Arthur Mutambara, (the MDC-M). Read the rest of the introduction here.

Table of Contents

Editors’ Introduction: Special Issue on Zimbabwe 2
Timothy Scarnecchia and Wendy Urban-Mead

A Tale of Two Elections: Zimbabwe at the Polls in 2008 | PDF
Jocelyn Alexander and Blessing-Miles Tendi

Waiting for Power-sharing: A False Promise? | PDF
Norma Kriger

The Glass Fortress: Zimbabwe’s Cyber-Guerrilla Warfare | PDF
Clapperton Mavhunga

Reflections on Displacement in Zimbabwe | PDF
Amanda Hammar

Zimbabweans Living in the South African Border-Zone: Negotiating, Suffering, and Surviving | PDF
Blair Rutherford

Anti-Imperialism and Schizophrenic revolutionaries in Zimbabwe | PDF
Tamuka Chirimambowa

The Zimbabwean Working Peoples: Between a Political Rock and an Economic Hard Place | PDF
Horace Campbell

Zimbabwe: Failing Better? | PDF
David Moore

Review: Heidi Holland’s Dinner with Mugabe | PDF
Sean Jacobs

Editorial: In the Shadow of Gukurahundi | PDF
Timothy Scarnecchia

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